• Analog input (ADC): 24 bit
  • Total conversion frequency up to 8 kHz
  • Analog output (DAC): 16 bit
  • Total conversion frequency up to 200 kHz

POR (price on request)


of ZET 220 ADC DAC modules

Analog input (ADC)
Number of inputs 16 inphase
8 differential
ADC – number of digits 24
Total frequency conversion by active channels from 80 Hz up to 8 kHz
Dynamic range 120 dB
Max FR uneveness in the range  10 Hz…2 kHz 1 dB
Max input voltage ±10 V
Input impedance 100 kOhm
Inputs protection (power on) ±30 V
Inputs protection (power off) ±30 V
Inter-channel interference -90 dB
Input capacitance 20 pF
Analog output (DAC)
Number of outputs 2 inphase
1 differential
Total conversion frequency of active channels up to 200 kHz
Max output power value ±10 V
DAC: number of digits 16
Digital input/ output
Bits number per input/output 8 bit
FIFO-buffer 16 Kwords
Digital input/output logic type TTL
Operational specifications
Dimensions 90 × 110 × 35 mm
Weight 0,3 kg
Analog input/output connector type (mating connector is included into the delivery scope) DSUB DB-25
Digital input/output connector type (mating connector is included into the delivery scope) DSUB DB-9


of ZET 220 ADC DAC modules


deployment of multi-channel distributed systems

simplification of automated systems development


reduction of costs for new developments


by means of several modules integration


digital processing of  signals with their subsequent record to the flash drive (without PC)


(field use, measurements performance at structural elements)


portable laboratory


of ZET 220 ADC DAC modules

ZET 220 ADC DAC module with 24-digit ADC converters is used for high-precision signals measurements in wide dynamic range. The signals to be measured are received from primary transducers – for instance, from sensors with 4-20 mA current output.

ZETLAB BASE Software delivered together with ZET 220 ADC DAC module enables measurements and control performance immediately as the PC connection is established. ZETLAB BASE Software includes all the programs necessary for tests and measurements by several channels, control of the measured values and current parameters transfer to PC.

Main functions

of ZET 220 ADC DAC modules


signals shape representation


signals receipt and transfer by network

Structural scheme

of ZET 220 ADC DAC modules

The block diagram of the ADC-DAC module

16-channel multiplexer switch sequentially connects all the selected channels to a single operational amplifier at equal time intervals. As the channels are switched over, the signal processor produces a command to start ADC conversion. As the conversion is over, the ADC forms ready flag and signal processor operation is suspended.

The signal processor saves the data in the integrated memory and then transfers it to the USB controller or records it to a flash drive.

Data from internal memory of the signal processor are forwarded to two independent DAC converters. DAC output signal is formed by operational amplifiers.

The module has galvanic separation of output analog signals and digital circuits. Maximum voltage difference between digital and analog grounding is 500 V.

Major application spheres

of ZET 220 ADC DAC modules









Взаимосвязь ускорения, скорости и…

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2022

Dear Customers and Partners!
We would like to thank you for effective cooperation and wish all your team a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
29.12.2021/by Екатерина Сатарова




Delivery features





Video lesson ZETLAB vibration

Video lesson ZETLAB vibration test control system

21.09.2021/by Александр Петров



Вариация #125184 для ZET 7010

Вариация #125183 для ZET 7010


ZET 7082

Vibrating wire interface, RS-485 interface  


Happy New 2021 Year and Merry Christmas!

Dear Customers and Partners!
We would like to thank you for effective cooperation and wish all your team a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
24.12.2020/by Екатерина Сатарова

Датчики силы и ударные молотки







Test profile editor. Harmonic vibration

Test profile editor. Harmonic vibration

Review of ZETLAB Vibro Software functions used for configuring the harmonic vibration test profile. In this video, we have considered all tabs of the program and provided examples of using each function available.
30.04.2020/by Team

Measurement of vibration velocity and vibration displacement

Video-lesson: Measurement of vibration velocity and vibration displacement

In this video, we will show you how to measure vibration velocity and vibration displacement values using ZETLAB software.
30.04.2020/by Team
Data transmission from seismic recorder ZET 7156 VER.2 to PC

Data transmission from seismic recorder ZET 7156 VER.2 to PC

Data transmission from seismic recorder ZET 7156 VER.2 to PC and processing of the results of seismic and seismological research.
30.04.2020/by Team
Review of the programs Multichannel recorder

Review of the programs “Multi-channel recorder” and “Multi-channel oscilloscope”

Review of the programs "Multi-channel recorder" and "Multi-channel oscilloscope"
30.04.2020/by Team
Narrow-band spectrum program.

Narrow-band spectrum program. Using the “Norm file” function.

Narrow-band spectrum program. Using the "Norm file" function.
30.04.2020/by Team


Vibration calibration of vibration transducers by means of comparison to the reference transducer


shaker system certification program by ZETLAB
shaker system certification program by ZETLAB

Shaker Validation

ZETLAB Software update of February 2020

ZETLAB Software update dt 28.02.2020

New software release of ZETLAB VIBRO software package for shaker controllers (VCS), many other improvements in terms of extending the programs' functional range and improving the software usability for the end-user.
11.03.2020/by Team
12-th industry-specific exhibition preview

12-th International Exhibition Expo Control 2020

12-th International Exhibition Expo Control 2020
02.03.2020/by Team

Shock recording with the use of modal analysis program preview

Video-lesson: Shock recording with the use of modal analysis program

In this video, we shall consider capacity of ZETLAB software in terms of shock recording, shock parameters analysis, and dynamic parameters analysis.
25.02.2020/by Team
Application of Cross-spectrum FFT analysis preview

Application of Cross-spectrum FFT analysis

In this video, we shall consider implementation of Cross-spectrum FFT analysis and the process of obtaining the AFR characteristic of a vibration transducer.
25.02.2020/by Team


Requirements concerning installation and power supply

ZET 7110 DT - product image
ZET 7110 DT - product image

Strain gauge transducer ZET 7110 DT

digital strain gauge for deformation control, CAN 2.0 interface  
Hydrophone ZET-350 - product image
Hydrophone ZET-350 - product image

Hydrophone ZET 351

hydrophone; 160 µV/Pa; 3 ... 25 000 Hz

Вариация #116859 для ZET 351 (Копия)

Вариация #116860 для ZET 351 (Копия)


Digital transducers: design options


Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!

Dear Customers and Partners!
We would like to thank you for effective cooperation and wish all your team a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
25.12.2019/by Екатерина Сатарова

ZET-7170-main image
ZET-7170-main image

ZET 7170

interface converter; RS-485 → CAN 2.0

Cable Requirements


Available versions of FFT spectrum analyzers

Methods for the calibration of accelerometers

Verification of accelerometers and associated instrumentation using calibrators

Absolute calibration method with the use of a laser displacement sensor

Calibration by means of comparison method

Evaluation method of error results calculation in the “Total Harmonic Distortion Analysis” program

Bearings Diagnostics

Diagnostics of gear units

Diagnostics of gear units based on spectrum of vibration signal

Diagnostics of gear units based on ultra-narrowband spectrum

Diagnostics of gear units based on co-spectrum characteristics

Diagnostics of gear units > Based on inter-correlation characteristics

Diagnostics of gear units > Based on spectrum of envelope curve

Diagnostics of gear units > Based on order normalization

Pumps at petroleum installations vibration-based diagnostics

Ready-made solutions based on spectrum analyzers

Automated (computer-aided) test stands

Unified test facility of virtual measure gauges as part of hardware and software complex ZETLAB and ZETVIEW

Vibration and acoustic performance measurement of equipment

Hydroacoustic measurements

Constructional vibration

Vibrational measurements at the food plant

Continuous condition monitoring of mechanisms

The Separation of micaceous raw stock on the vibroboard with the altering amplitude of oscillation at the long side of the board

ZETCORR Leak detector

Device state monitoring

Functional areas of vibration analysis techniques at different stages of the life cycle of machines and equipment

Railroad train acoustic noise measuring system

Measurements of the unbalances

Vector Vibration Accelerometers Application Features

Vibration Transducers Power Supply Requirements

Impact of External Factors and Instructions on Operating Vibration Sensors and Accelerometers

Method Of Determining the XY-Coordinates of Low Noise Object

Measuring Parameters of Vibration Measuring Transducer

Automation of Parameter Measurement For Vibration Measuring Transducers

Automation of Experiments With Digital Signal Processing Methods Illustrated Based on Vibration Source Space Coordinates Determination System As Example

Automation of Industrial Processes: Collecting Amplitude Frequency Response Data in Automatic Mode

Amplitude-Frequency Response Collecting: Researching Monomorphic Piezoceramic Cells For Converters

Verification of Accelerometer

Piezoelectric Accelerometers

What is ICP? IEPE sensors and their connection

Glue Fastening of Accelerometers

Mounting accelerometer with magnet

Measuring System Design Procedure

5 Steps to Choose a ZETSENSOR

Cable Line Topology

Cable Line Length

Data Channel Usage

Power Supply

Connecting Primary Converters

Preparing Interface Converter

Preparing Digital Sensors

Preparing Cable Lines

Installing Digital Sensors On Measuring Line

RS-485 line quality control

RS-485 Line Quality

Structural vibration measurement

Mobile trajectory measurement kit by ZETLAB - main image

ZETLAB Mobile Trajectory Measurement Kit

Application Of The System For Measuring The Intensity Of Seismic Impact Illustrated by Elevator Dismantling Through Integrated Demolishing

Diagnostics and Condition Monitoring of Building Structures Using Industrial Seismic Recording System ZET 048-C

Mounting And Dismounting Of Accelerometers and Seismic Receivers

Installing Seismic Sensors At Measuring Location

Process Management In Test Chambers

Power Quality Control

Counting Wheel Sets

Theory Of Strain Gauge Measurements, Resistive Strain Sensors Connection Schemes

Strain Gauge Measurements

General Specifications Of Resistive Strain Sensors

Strain Gauge Sensors

Variety Of Strain Gauge Bridges

Establishing Bridge Circuits

Strain Gauge Bridge Testing

Connecting Strain Gauge Sensing Elements to ZET-017-T8 Strain Gauge Module

Pressure Sensors Based On Resistive Strain Sensors

Application Of Resistive Strain Sensors for Measuring the Physical Values

Mounting ZETSENSOR Modules


Classical shock profile

Oscillating system shock spectrum and reactance factor




Connecting ZETSENSOR in MasterSCADA through OPC server

Connecting ZETSENSOR in MasterSCADA through OPC server

Connecting ZETSENSOR to TRACE MODE through OPC server

Connecting ZETSENSOR to TRACE MODE through OPC server

ZET7X10 troubleshooting





7X80 troubleshooting


Troubleshooting ZET7111





COMPRESSION TEST SYSTEM based on the digital sensors

CAVITATION CONTROL SYSTEM in a hydraulic turbine

MONITORING AND DIAGNOSTICS SYSTEM of the pipeline stress-strain behavior



Cavitation theory

Cavitation theory. Collier’s Encyclopedia.

Cavitation process forming: necessary conditions

Tempaerature sensor by ZETLAB

Temperature sensor

Acoustic emission AE

Acoustic emission transducers

Acoustic emission control products

Acoustic emission testing

Acoustic emission recording

Settings of RF603 laser displacement sensors in ZETLAB system

Eddy probe systems

LVDT-displacement sensors

Resistive temperature transducers - main image

Resistive temperature transducers

Thermoelectric temperature transducers


Temperature controllers

Temperature measurements using ZETSENSOR products


Temperature measurements using resistive temperature transducers

Temperature measuremets: theoretical aspects. Thermal resistors application

Electromagnetic compatibility

PC requirements

Cable networks: automated control

ADC DAC modules connection options, operation in offline mode

Rail gauge control system

Resistance, capacity and inductance meaurements

Elevator positioning and movement parameters control by means of inertial navigation system

Methodics of hydrodynamic and inertial characteristics research for timber floats made of flat raft sections

Research of coolant fluid temperature sensor dynamic characteristics

Motion control and positioning of stepper motor using ZETVIEW software

Virtual measurement instruments

Virtual measuring instruments

Actual resonator – Signals filtration program

Shaker test run

Evaluation of vibration acceleration and frequency non-uniformity

Evaluation of vibration acceleration, vibration displacement and frequency range

Evaluation of acceleration and / or displacement harmonics ratio

Calculation of lateral components ratio

Calculation of distribution non-uniformity ratio

Calculation of trunnion resonance frequency and the first resonance frequency of the system

Evaluation of the shaker table vibration noise level

Evaluation of the tolerance limit for maintenance of the acceleration and/ or displacement level at the control point

Evaluation of the tolerance limits for reproduction of acceleration and displacement level at the control point

Types of sonar systems, LOFAR and DEMON analysis

Sinusoidal vibration impact: tests performance

Tests for random vibration impact

Shock impact test (single and multiple shock impacts)

Shaker controller (VCS) ZET 017-U – Gunfire shock test method

“By eye” estimation of vibration displacement

Spectral characteristics dynamics control

Use of electrical oscillating circuit for mechanical resonance simulation of a real shaker system

ZETLAB Shaker control system - basic parameters - measurement results

ZETLAB Shaker control system: basic parameters, measurement results

Choice of vibration control system

Tests performance


Main image -Hydrophone BC 321 by ZETLAB
Main image -Hydrophone BC 321 by ZETLAB

ZET 321

broadband reversible hydrophone; 0,12 pC/Pa; 3 ... 160 000 Hz 

Вариация #114170 для ZET 321 (Копия)

Вариация #114171 для ZET 321 (Копия)

Вариация #114172 для ZET 321 (Копия)

Вариация #114173 для ZET 321 (Копия)

International standards

Evaluation of wood elasticity modulus

Vibration testing systems: start-up and commissioning

Protection recommendations

Vibration testing performance – VCS

Selection and operation of the vibration testing system


Overview of the exhibition TESTING & CONTROL 2019

ZETLAB Company would like to thank everyone, who has attended our booth at the 16-th international exhibition of measurement and control instruments Testing & Control 2019, which was held on October 22-nd - 24-th, 2019, at the International Exhibition Center Crocus Expo.
29.10.2019/by Team

Functional features of ZETLAB shaker controllers

Sinusoidal vibration: Interrelation of acceleration, velocity and displacement

Vibration testing system – basic notions

Theory of vibration testing

Vibration testing


16-th international exhibition Testing & Control 2019 in October

ZETLAB Company invites you to visit our Booth # E119 at the 16-th International Exhibition of measurement and control instruments Testing & Control 2019 to be held on October 22-24, 2019, at Moscow Exhibition Center Crocus Expo. Use the promo-code "TControl219" to get a free e-ticket on the web-site of TESTING & CONTROL.
13.09.2019/by Team

ZETLAB Company at International Aviation and Space Salon MAKS 2019

Overview of МАКS 2019

ZETLAB Company would like to thank visitors of our exhibition booth at the International Aviation and Space Salon MAKS 2019, which was held in the period of August 27 – September 1, in Zhukovsky, Moscow region.
04.09.2019/by Team

System for fatigue testing of the turbine blades


Digital accelerometer ZET 7152-N Pro

digital accelerometer for industrial use; ± 8 g; DC ... 800 Hz 

Evaluation of dynamic elasticity modulus by the resonance method

Preview eng на сайт

Invitation for the International Aviation and Space Salon MAKS 2019

Dear friends!
ZETLAB Company invites you to visit our exhibition booth at the International Aviation and Space Salon MAKS 2019 to be held from Aug 27 till Sept 1 in Zhukovsky, Moscow Region. ZETLAB Company Booth#23.
15.06.2019/by Team

FFT Spectrum analyzer ZET 038

FFT Spectrum analyzer for the analysis of vibro-acoustic signals; 8 measurement channels; frequency range up to 20 kHz

Control Days. Moscow 2019 home

Exhibition Control Days 2019

ZETLAB Company would like to thank everyone who has visited our booth at the 11-th international exhibition of measurement and control instruments Control Days. Moscow 2019, which was held on April 2-4, 2019 in Expocentre fairgrounds.
15.04.2019/by Team

Новости ZETLAB

Вариация #108469 для ZET 7010 SP (Копия)

Вариация #108470 для ZET 7010 SP (Копия)

General view of Digital soil pressure transducer ZET 7010 SP used for foundation subsidence control
General view of Digital soil pressure transducer ZET 7010 SP used for foundation subsidence control

Soil pressure transducer ZET 7010 SP

Digital soil pressure transducer with RS-485 output (Modbus RTU)

11-th international exhibition Control Days 2019

ZETLAB Company invites you to visit our Booth#1-240 at the 11-th international exhibition of measurement and control instruments Expo Control 2019 to be held at the Expocenter in Moscow.
05.03.2019/by Team

Strain gauge amplifier ZET 052

measuring strain gauge amplifier used for connection of strain-gauge cells and transducers 
ZET 032 FFT Spectrum analyzer - Product image
ZET 032 FFT Spectrum analyzer - Product image

ZET 032

FFT Spectrum analyzer for the analysis of vibroacoustic signals; 2 measurement channels; integrated charge amplifier

Condition-based maintenance – analysis of advantages

Condition-based maintenance: general principles

Система контроля сейсмических воздействий
Система контроля сейсмических воздействий

SCADA-project “Seismic impact control system”

Вариация #107214 для ZET 017-U32 (Копия)

Вариация #107215 для ZET 017-U32 (Копия)

ZET 017-U32 - product image
ZET 017-U32 - product image

ZET 017-U32

FFT Spectrum analyzer; 32 measurement channels; frequency range up to 20 kHz 

Вариация #106977 для ZET 017-U16 (Копия)

Вариация #106978 для ZET 017-U16 (Копия)

Video-review: Delivery scope of strain gauge transducers by ZETLAB Company

31.01.2019/by Team

Video-review of Structural health monitoring system (SHM) basic configuration

31.01.2019/by Team

Video-lesson: Graphical conversion of vibration velocity into vibration displacement

31.01.2019/by Team

Video-lesson: Saving the data from ZET 048 seismic recorder in miniseed format

31.01.2019/by Team

Video-lesson: Example of using SCADA ZetView system

30.01.2019/by Team

Video-lesson: Experiment with the use of a stroboscope

30.01.2019/by Team

Video-lesson: Control of various deformation types using strain gauge module ZET 017 T8

30.01.2019/by Team

Review of the System for diagnostics of buildings and Structures “ZET Arrow”

30.01.2019/by Team


Seismic transducers calibration system

ZETLAB Company news of January 2019

19.01.2019/by Team

NVH monitoring method use in pass-by noise level control and traffic management systems

NVH (noise, vibration, and harshness) monitoring – description, use cases

Вариация #104693 для ZET 048-С VER.1

Вариация #104691 для ZET 048-С VER.1

Вариация #104680 для ZET 048-С VER.1

Вариация #104679 для ZET 048-С VER.1

Вариация #104678 для ZET 048-С VER.1

Вариация #104677 для ZET 048-С VER.1

Вариация #104676 для ZET 048-С VER.1

Вариация #104675 для ZET 048-С VER.1

Вариация #104674 для ZET 048-С VER.1

Вариация #104673 для ZET 048-С VER.1

Вариация #104672 для ZET 048-С VER.1

Вариация #104671 для ZET 048-С VER.1

Experimental modal analysis (EMA) – distinctive features

Seismic observation system

Operational modal analysis – description, spheres of application

Galeria de Vídeo

[chr-youtube-gallery order="DESC" orderby="date" posts="6"]


Control parameters - product image
Control parameters - product image

Pre-test and control parameters

Гармоническая вибрация
Гармоническая вибрация



Resonance search, track and dwell (RSTD)

Широкополосная случайная вибрация (ШСВ)
Широкополосная случайная вибрация (ШСВ)



Sine-on-Random (SoR)

Random-on-Random- RoR
Random-on-Random- RoR

Random-on-Random (RoR)

Sine-on-Random-on-Random - main image
Sine-on-Random-on-Random - main image

Sine-on-Random-on-Random (SoRoR)

Sine-on-sine - SoS - product image
Sine-on-sine - SoS - product image


Kurtosis control - main image
Kurtosis control - main image

Kurtosis level control


Classical shock


Vibrational shock (Gunfire impact)


User-Defined Transient (UDT)


Acoustic noise


Signal post-processing


Test specimen parameters

Shaker system parameters - product image
Shaker system parameters - product image

Shaker system parameters

(VCS) ZET 024 Preview
(VCS) ZET 024 Preview

ZET 024

shaker controller (VCS), 4 measurement channels

ZET 028

shaker controller (VCS)
8 measurement channels
Strain gauge measurement system ZET 058 - product image
Strain gauge measurement system ZET 058 - product image

ZET 058

Digital accelerometer ZET 7152-N Pro - product image
Digital accelerometer ZET 7152-N Pro - product image

ZET 7152-N Pro

digital accelerometer for industrial use; ± 8 g; DC ... 1000 Hz
FFT Spectrum analyzer of vibro-acoustic signals ZET 034 - product image
FFT Spectrum analyzer of vibro-acoustic signals ZET 034 - product image

ZET 034

FFT Spectrum analyzer for the analysis of vibro-acoustic signals; 4 measurement channels; frequency range up to 20 kHz
Testing обложка

Overview of the exhibition Testing & Control 2018

ZETLAB Company would like to thank everyone who has attended our Booth at the 15-th international exhibition Testing & Control 2018
30.10.2018/by Team

Modern Leak detection systems (LDS): systems description, analysis of practicality of their implementation

ZETLAB software update dt. 31.08.2018 - main image

ZETLAB software update dt. 31.08.2018

06.09.2018/by Team

Leak detection system (LDS)

Стенд ZETLAB 2018 на 15 выставке Testing & Control

15-th International Exhibition Testing & Control 2018

22.08.2018/by Team

Вариация #99842 для ПИТ-___-ТР-4/20-Б50

Вариация #99841 для ПИТ-___-ТР-4/20-Б50

Вариация #99840 для ПИТ-___-ТР-4/20-Б50

Measurement module for strain gauges (Data acquisition module (DAC) ZET 017-T32 - main image
Measurement module for strain gauges (Data acquisition module (DAC) ZET 017-T32 - main image

ZET 017-T32

Measurement module for strain gauges 32 channels

Вариация #99629 для ZET 017-T32 (Копия)

Вариация #99630 для ZET 017-T32 (Копия)

Measurement module for strain gauges (Data acquisition module (DAC) ZET 017-T24 - main image
Measurement module for strain gauges (Data acquisition module (DAC) ZET 017-T24 - main image

ZET 017-T24

Measurement module for strain gauges 24 channels

Вариация #99588 для ZET 017-T24 (Копия)

Вариация #99589 для ZET 017-T24 (Копия)

Measurement module for strain gauges (Data acquisition system (DAQ) ZET 017-T16 - main image
Measurement module for strain gauges (Data acquisition system (DAQ) ZET 017-T16 - main image

ZET 017-T16

Measurement module for strain gauges 16 channels

Вариация #99481 для ZET 017-T16 (Копия)

Вариация #99482 для ZET 017-T16 (Копия)

Devices synchronization via PTP protocol

ZET 017 – connection via Ethernet

Cross narrowband spectrum – Nyquist diagram

Confidentiality policy

Data protection and privacy policy

Funciones ZETLAB

ZETLAB Software update dt. 25.05.2018

Impulse response characteristic – Cross narrowband spectrum analysis

Resonance analysis – Cross narrowband spectrum program

Transient characteristic – Cross narrowband spectrum

Intrinsic noise measurements – Cross narrowband spectrum

Coherence ratio- Cross narrowband spectrum

Cross narrowband spectral analysis: phase

Clearing programs configuration

Measuring lines: calculation of cable parameters

Инженерно-сейсмометрическая станция (ИСС)

Control Days 2018

Sistema móvil de mediciones

Sistema de control de influencias sísmicas

Sistema de monitoreo de construcciones

Sistemas llave en mano

Inclinómetro digital



Shaker controllers - tests performance - cover

Shaker controllers – tests performance

Shaker controller- choice and operation recommendations - cover

Shaker controller- choice and operation recommendations

Functions of Shaker control system ZET 017-U - cover

Functions of Shaker control system ZET 017-U

vibration tests parameters interrelation

Oscillating system parameters and vibration parameters interrelation

Вариация #93380 для ZET 401 (Копия)

Вариация #93381 для ZET 401 (Копия)

ZET 401

RPM sensor, two product version available: with integral cable or BNC-BNC cable

Вариация #93377 для ZET 401 (Копия)

Вариация #93378 для ZET 401 (Копия)

Вариация #93223 для ZET 701 (Копия)

Вариация #93224 для ZET 701 (Копия)

Вариация #93225 для ZET 701 (Копия)

ZET 701 - main cover
ZET 701 - main cover

ZET 701

eddy current probe

Convertidores de interfaz

Sensores digitales de deformación


Bugrinskiy bridge


Sayano–Shushenskaya Dam

Yenisei cascade of hydroelectric stations

Bridge over Kama river

Kambarka (Udmurt Republic)

Adler thermal power plant

Krasnodar Krai

Ostankino tower


Vorosholovskiy bridge


Domodedovo Airport

Moscow Region

Mayn hydroelectric power station

the Republic of Khakassia

Rules for SHM system development

ZETSENSOR interaction options with third-party systems


El softwar

Digitales sensores sísmicos

Productos de medición

Equipo para estudios sísmicos

Analizador de espectro



15.02.2018/by Team

Design and survey works with the use of portable measurement system


Shaker calibration system

temperature test chamber_cover_1
temperature test chamber_cover_1

System for temperature chambers performance confirmation

Hydrophones calibration system_cover_1
Hydrophones calibration system_cover_1

Hydrophones calibration system

Pendulum shock testing machine UDAR-1_cover_1
Pendulum shock testing machine UDAR-1_cover_1


Pendulum shock testing machine
Rotor balancing system_cover_1
Rotor balancing system_cover_1

Rotor balancing system

Вариация #87423 для Сейсмограф ZET 7152-N VER.2

Вариация #87422 для Сейсмограф ZET 7152-N VER.2

Вариация #87419 для Сейсмограф ZET 7156-VER.2

Вариация #87418 для Сейсмограф ZET 7156-VER.2

Fracture testing machines automation_cover_1
Fracture testing machines automation_cover_1

Fracture testing machines: automation

Closed-loop servohydraulic test bench control system_cover
Closed-loop servohydraulic test bench control system_cover

Closed-loop servohydraulic test bench control system

Shock impact recorder - hardware-software system_cover
Shock impact recorder - hardware-software system_cover

“Shock impact recorder” – hardware-software system

Automated test systems

Electrical networks control system_cover_1
Electrical networks control system_cover_1

Electrical networks control system

torque measurement system
torque measurement system

Torque measurement system

Virtual laboratory

New sensor of the sun 111

Developed software for working with devices

Automated engine testing system_cover_1
Automated engine testing system_cover_1

Automated engine testing system

Uncertainty of measurement


Sinusoidal vibration

Seismometer correction – Signals filtration program


Random vibration

Fractional-octave-band filter – Signal filtration program

Frequency weighting

Signal envelope – Signals filtration program

Bandpass filters – Filtration program

TOFD method of acoustic
TOFD method of acoustic

Acoustic control: TOFD method

Vibration transducers calibration system
Vibration transducers calibration system

Vibration transducers calibration system


Signal Generator


Sine signal generator


Radio pulse signal generator


Noise generator


Saw-tooth signal generator


Pulse signal generator


Frequency-modulated signal generator (logarithmic time-base)


Linear Frequency-modulated Signal Generator


Frequency-modulated signal generator


Amplitude-modulated signal generator


Generating signal from a file


Generating signals from input and virtual channels

Signals generator - Barker code signal
Signals generator - Barker code signal

Barker-code signals generator


Synchronous Generator

Deterministic signals – Formula program

Control and measuring equipment

Control and measuring equipment

Программное обеспечение

Подтверждение подписки


Seminar “Uncertainty of measurement”

15.12.2017/by Team

Filters – Formula program

Measuring functions – program Formula

Mathematical functions – program Formula

Operations – Formula program

Formula program – Constants

Formula program – Channels

ZETLAB Formula
ZETLAB Formula

ZETLAB Formula

Seismic surveys

Vibration Analysis and Acoustics

Strain Gauge Measurements

Intelligent Sensors and Controllers, ZETSENSOR series

Seismic surveys

Измерение параметров АЭ
Измерение параметров АЭ

System for acoustic emission parameters control

Materials impedance
Materials impedance

System for determination of materials impedance in impedance tubes

Seismic detection system for elevators

Mobile measuring system: natural oscillation frequency and decrement measurements

SHM system: basic package

Calculation of fundamental tone of natural oscillations

22.11.2017/by Александр Петров

Pendulum shock testing machine ZETLAB

21.11.2017/by Александр Петров
Testing & Control 2017 home

14-th international exhibition Testing & Control 2017

ZETLAB Company would like to thank you for visiting our Booth # E255 at the 14-th international exhibition of testing and control products Testing & Control 2017 held on October 24 - 26, 2017 in IEC "Crocus Expo".
15.10.2017/by Team

Connection of current output sensors to ADC DAC modules ZET 210/220

ADC DAC: automation


Система виброконтроля, мониторинга и диагностики гидроагрегатов
Система виброконтроля, мониторинга и диагностики гидроагрегатов

Vibration control, monitoring and diagnostics system for hydraulic units



Вариация #82289 для ZET 048-I (Копия)

Вариация #82290 для ZET 048-I (Копия)

Вариация #82291 для ZET 048-I (Копия)

Вариация #82292 для ZET 048-I (Копия)

Вариация #82293 для ZET 048-I (Копия)

Вариация #82294 для ZET 048-I (Копия)

Вариация #82253 для 4211 (Копия)

Вариация #82254 для 4211 (Копия)

Вариация #82255 для 4211 (Копия)

ZET 601 acoustic emission sensor
ZET 601 acoustic emission sensor

ZET 601 Acoustic Emission sensor

Type broadband
Amplifier w/o preamplifier
Electroacoustic conversion factor >45 dB, rel. 1 V/m/sec
Operating frequency 300 kHz (corresponds to minimum sensitivity)


Acoustic Emission Converter without Amplifier GT200
Acoustic Emission Converter without Amplifier GT200

Acoustic emission transducer GT200

acoustic emission transducer GT200;

bandwidth: 130…200 kHz
Acoustic emission converter without amplifier GT205
Acoustic emission converter without amplifier GT205

Acoustic emission transducer GT205

acoustic emission transducer GT205 without amplifier;

bandwidth: 40…100 kHz
Acoustic emission converter without amplifier GT301
Acoustic emission converter without amplifier GT301

Acoustic emission transducer GT301

acoustic emission transducer without amplifier;

bandwidth: 50…500 kHz

Conference in Peru

15.09.2017/by Team

Shaker Controllers


ZET 048 Seismic Impact Control System

Seismic Recording Systems

Acoustic Emission sensors

Strain measurement systems

Interface converters

Control modules

Measuring products



Video Lessons


ZETLAB Company news


ZET 7152-N-VER.3

wide dynamic range; integrated digital accelerometer ZET 7152-N and seismic meter  ZET 7156 ; frequency range: 0,3...400 Hz

Functions ZETLAB

галерея сигналов
галерея сигналов

Signals Gallery

“SHM training simulator” WKS requirements

SHM WKS Requirements

SHM server: requirements

SHM software – neural network technologies

A19-U2 FFT spectrum analyzer
A19-U2 FFT spectrum analyzer

A19-U2 FFT spectrum analyzer

2 measuring channels,
Frequency range up to 200 kHz;
Integrated generator.

Measuring products

Digital Seismic Recording System Preview
Digital Seismic Recording System Preview

ZET 048-C-VER.1 Digital Seismic Recording System

GPS georeferencing
In-place verification
Integrated seismic recorder


Turnkey systems

Turnkey solutions

Structural health monitoring system (SHM)

Digital temperature sensors

Digital pressure sensors

Digital seismic sensors

Digital inclinometers

Turnkey solutions

ADC / DAC modules, digital USB oscillographs

Seismic research performance 03.08.2017

18.08.2017/by Александр Петров

Вариация #81117 для ВС 401 (Копия)

Вариация #81118 для ВС 401 (Копия)

ZET 402 RPM sensor - cover
ZET 402 RPM sensor - cover

ZET 402

RPM sensor with integrated cable (miniXLR socket)
System for linear and angular displacement measurements
System for linear and angular displacement measurements

System for linear and angular displacement measurements

based on digital sensors of ZETSENSOR series
Portable bridge structures control system
Portable bridge structures control system

Portable bridge structures control system

based on sensors of ZETSENSOR series
ZET Arrow
ZET Arrow

ZET Arrow

Buildings and structures diagnostics system
Elevators diagnostics system
Elevators diagnostics system

Elevators diagnostics system “Vector”

portable system based on products of ZETSENSOR series
ZET 210 ADC DAC module
ZET 210 ADC DAC module

ZET 210

ZET 220 ADC DAC module
ZET 220 ADC DAC module

ZET 220

ZET 230 ADC DAC module
ZET 230 ADC DAC module

ZET 230

Готовые мобильные комплекты

Test run of digital multi-channel seismic streamer

27.07.2017/by Александр Петров

Grounding and shielding

Cables matching

Remote earthquakes monitoring

Scalability of the monitoring system

USB oscillograph ZET 302
USB oscillograph ZET 302

USB oscillograph ZET 302

Compatible products

Metrological self-check

Error notification system

Просмотр исторических данных с помощью демо-сервера ZETLAB
Просмотр исторических данных с помощью демо-сервера ZETLAB

Multi-user access to trends view

Portabillity of the seismic research kit

Просмотр исторических данных
Просмотр исторических данных

View of historical events

Off-line recorders data conversion

Sofware update: ZETLAB Setup (dt 20.02.2017)

Quiénes somos



SHM measuring system based on seismic recorders

SHM measuring system based on ZET 7177

SHM system based on industrial PC

Measurement system based on ZET 7176 modules

ZETLAB software update (release dt 31.07.2017)

15.07.2017/by Team

Determining the parameters of the fundamental pitch of natural oscillations
Determining the parameters of the fundamental pitch of natural oscillations

SCADA-project “Determination of the parameters of the fundamental tone of free oscillations of buildings”

Kit for seismic research performance: synchronization system

Kit for seismic research performance: hardware versions

Seismograph Cover
Seismograph Cover


Cloud monitoring solutions

Kit for seismic research performance - main cover
Kit for seismic research performance - main cover

Kit for seismic research performance

System selection and mounting

Measuring lines: design process

System components and controlled parameters

“Eco-friendly” technologies used for monitoring system design

Elevators diagnostics system

Seismic detection system for elevators

Foundation subsidence control

Seismic impact level control

Lin. phase-frequency response measurement
Lin. phase-frequency response measurement

Lin. phase-frequency response measurement

Снятие ФЧХ в логарифмическом масштабе
Снятие ФЧХ в логарифмическом масштабе

Log. phase-frequency response measurement

Снятие зависимости КНИ от частоты в логарифмическом масштабе
Снятие зависимости КНИ от частоты в логарифмическом масштабе

Log. distortion coefficient measurement

Снятие АЧХ селективным вольтметром
Снятие АЧХ селективным вольтметром

Log. frequency responce measurements (selective)

Natural frequency and logarithmic decrement control

Снятие АЧХ в линейном масштабе измерение постоянного значения
Снятие АЧХ в линейном масштабе измерение постоянного значения

Lin. frequency response measurement (DC)

Снятие АЧХ в линейном масштабе (измерение переменного значения)
Снятие АЧХ в линейном масштабе (измерение переменного значения)

Lin. frequency response measurement (AC)

Снятие АЧХ в логарифмическом масштабе (измерение постоянного значения)
Снятие АЧХ в логарифмическом масштабе (измерение постоянного значения)

Log. frequency response measurement (with external generator AC)

Снятие АЧХ в логарифмическом масштабе (измерение переменного значения)
Снятие АЧХ в логарифмическом масштабе (измерение переменного значения)

Log. frequency response measurements AC

Stress-strain state control

Building tilt and elements displacement control

Structural health monitoring system (SHM)

Mobile measuring system: natural oscillation frequency and decrement measurements

Temperature measurement

Многоканальная измерительная система
Многоканальная измерительная система

SCADA-project “Multi-channel measuring system”

Вариация #75777 для SCADA-проект «Многоканальная измерительная система» (Копия)

Вариация #75778 для SCADA-проект «Многоканальная измерительная система» (Копия)

Вариация #75779 для SCADA-проект «Многоканальная измерительная система» (Копия)

Вариация #75780 для SCADA-проект «Многоканальная измерительная система» (Копия)

Вариация #75781 для SCADA-проект «Многоканальная измерительная система» (Копия)

Вариация #75782 для SCADA-проект «Многоканальная измерительная система» (Копия)

Вариация #75783 для SCADA-проект «Многоканальная измерительная система» (Копия)

Вариация #75784 для SCADA-проект «Многоканальная измерительная система» (Копия)

Вариация #75785 для SCADA-проект «Многоканальная измерительная система» (Копия)

Вариация #75786 для SCADA-проект «Многоканальная измерительная система» (Копия)

Вариация #75787 для SCADA-проект «Многоканальная измерительная система» (Копия)

Вариация #75788 для SCADA-проект «Многоканальная измерительная система» (Копия)

Seismic survey data processing using the multi-channel analysis of surface waves method (MASW)

15.06.2017/by Александр Петров

Video Lessons


Displacement measurements


ZETLAB SEISMO - Software for seismic stations
ZETLAB SEISMO - Software for seismic stations


Acoustic emission


Вариация #75121 для ZET 7110-DS (Копия)

Вариация #75122 для ZET 7110-DS (Копия)

Вариация #75123 для ZET 7110-DS (Копия)

Вариация #75124 для ZET 7110-DS (Копия)

Small strain gauge sensor ZET 7110-DS
Small strain gauge sensor ZET 7110-DS

ZET 7110-DS digital small strain gauge

Digital geophone ZET 7155 - cover
Digital geophone ZET 7155 - cover

ZET 7155 digital geophone

Digital meteorological sensor ZET 7123
Digital meteorological sensor ZET 7123

ZET 7123 digital meteorological sensor

Вариация #75090 для ZET 048-С-VER.1

Вариация #75089 для ZET 048-С-VER.1

Digital inclinometer ZET 7154
Digital inclinometer ZET 7154

ZET 7154 digital inclinometer

Вариация #75070 для ZET 7154 (Копия)

Вариация #75071 для ZET 7154 (Копия)

Вариация #75072 для ZET 7154 (Копия)

Вариация #75073 для ZET 7154 (Копия)

PID controller ZET 7190-R
PID controller ZET 7190-R

ZET 7190-R PID controller


BC110 accelerometer (IEPE)

Axial sensitivity 100 mV/g
Amplitude range ±50 g
Frequency range 0,5 ... 10 000 Hz

Digital gauge pressure and pressure meters

Seismograph ZET 7156-N-VER.2, Seismograph ZET 7152-N-VER.2
Seismograph ZET 7156-N-VER.2, Seismograph ZET 7152-N-VER.2

ZET 7156 VER.2 seismograph

Ground seismic surveys in close vicinity to the mines
Explosion-hazard buildings natural frequency control
Passive seismic surveys
Compact explosion-proof design


Digital Seismic Recording System Preview
Digital Seismic Recording System Preview

ZET 048-C-VER.3 digital seismic recording system

Downhole version
In-place verification

Seismograph ZET 7156-N-VER.2, Seismograph ZET 7152-N-VER.2
Seismograph ZET 7156-N-VER.2, Seismograph ZET 7152-N-VER.2

ZET 7152-N VER.2 seismograph

Mine site hazard areas control
Seismic processes and explosion oscillations control
Designed for geotechnical surveys use
Digital short-period seismometer ZET 7156
Digital short-period seismometer ZET 7156

Digital short-period seismometer ZET 7156-VER.1

Вариация #74693 для ZET 7156 (Копия)

Вариация #74694 для ZET 7156 (Копия)

Вариация #74552 для ZET 7012-I в корпусе BP4-1 (Копия)

Вариация #74553 для ZET 7012-I в корпусе BP4-1 (Копия)

Вариация #74554 для ZET 7012-I в корпусе BP4-1 (Копия)

Вариация #74555 для ZET 7012-I в корпусе BP4-1 (Копия)

Вариация #74556 для ZET 7012-I в корпусе BP4-1 (Копия)

Вариация #74557 для ZET 7012-I в корпусе BP4-1 (Копия)

Вариация #74558 для ZET 7012-I в корпусе BP4-1 (Копия)

Вариация #74559 для ZET 7012-I в корпусе BP4-1 (Копия)

Digital pressure meter ZET 7012-A-VER.1
Digital pressure meter ZET 7012-A-VER.1

ZET 7012-I-VER.1 digital gauge pressure

Вариация #74509 для ZET 7012-I в корпусе BP15C с индикатором (Копия)

Вариация #74510 для ZET 7012-I в корпусе BP15C с индикатором (Копия)

Вариация #74511 для ZET 7012-I в корпусе BP15C с индикатором (Копия)

Вариация #74512 для ZET 7012-I в корпусе BP15C с индикатором (Копия)

Вариация #74513 для ZET 7012-I в корпусе BP15C с индикатором (Копия)

Вариация #74514 для ZET 7012-I в корпусе BP15C с индикатором (Копия)

Вариация #74515 для ZET 7012-I в корпусе BP15C с индикатором (Копия)

Вариация #74516 для ZET 7012-I в корпусе BP15C с индикатором (Копия)

Вариация #74517 для ZET 7012-I в корпусе BP15C с индикатором (Копия)

Вариация #74518 для ZET 7012-I в корпусе BP15C с индикатором (Копия)

Вариация #74519 для ZET 7012-I в корпусе BP15C с индикатором (Копия)

Вариация #74520 для ZET 7012-I в корпусе BP15C с индикатором (Копия)

Вариация #74521 для ZET 7012-I в корпусе BP15C с индикатором (Копия)

Вариация #74522 для ZET 7012-I в корпусе BP15C с индикатором (Копия)

Вариация #74523 для ZET 7012-I в корпусе BP15C с индикатором (Копия)

Вариация #74524 для ZET 7012-I в корпусе BP15C с индикатором (Копия)

Pressure sensor ZET-7X12-VER.3 cover 2
Pressure sensor ZET-7X12-VER.3 cover 2

ZET 7012-I VER.3 digital gauge pressure

Digital pressure meter ZET 7012-A-VER.1
Digital pressure meter ZET 7012-A-VER.1

ZET 7012-A-VER.1 digital pressure meter

Вариация #74493 для ZET 7012-A в корпусе BP4-1 (Копия)

Вариация #74494 для ZET 7012-A в корпусе BP4-1 (Копия)

Вариация #74495 для ZET 7012-A в корпусе BP4-1 (Копия)

Вариация #74496 для ZET 7012-A в корпусе BP4-1 (Копия)

Вариация #74469 для ZET 7012-A в корпусе BP15C с индикатором (Копия)

Вариация #74470 для ZET 7012-A в корпусе BP15C с индикатором (Копия)

Вариация #74471 для ZET 7012-A в корпусе BP15C с индикатором (Копия)

Вариация #74472 для ZET 7012-A в корпусе BP15C с индикатором (Копия)

Вариация #74473 для ZET 7012-A в корпусе BP15C с индикатором (Копия)

Вариация #74474 для ZET 7012-A в корпусе BP15C с индикатором (Копия)

Вариация #74475 для ZET 7012-A в корпусе BP15C с индикатором (Копия)

Вариация #74476 для ZET 7012-A в корпусе BP15C с индикатором (Копия)

Pressure sensor ZET-7X12-VER.3 cover 2
Pressure sensor ZET-7X12-VER.3 cover 2

ZET 7012-A VER.3 digital pressure meter

Вариация #74435 для ZET 7012-I с открытой мембраной (Копия)

Вариация #74436 для ZET 7012-I с открытой мембраной (Копия)

Digital gauge pressure ZET 7012-I-VER.2 (open membrane)
Digital gauge pressure ZET 7012-I-VER.2 (open membrane)

ZET 7012-I VER.2 digital gauge pressure (open membrane)

Вариация #74437 для ZET 7012-I с открытой мембраной (Копия)

Вариация #74438 для ZET 7012-I с открытой мембраной (Копия)

Вариация #74439 для ZET 7012-I с открытой мембраной (Копия)

Вариация #74440 для ZET 7012-I с открытой мембраной (Копия)

Вариация #74441 для ZET 7012-I с открытой мембраной (Копия)

Вариация #74442 для ZET 7012-I с открытой мембраной (Копия)

Вариация #74418 для ZET 7112-I с открытой мембраной (Копия)

Вариация #74419 для ZET 7112-I с открытой мембраной (Копия)

Вариация #74420 для ZET 7112-I с открытой мембраной (Копия)

Вариация #74421 для ZET 7112-I с открытой мембраной (Копия)

Digital gauge pressure ZET 7112-I VER.2 (open membrane)
Digital gauge pressure ZET 7112-I VER.2 (open membrane)

ZET 7112-I VER.2 digital gauge pressure (open membrane)

Вариация #74413 для ZET 7012-I с открытой мембраной в корпусе BP4-1 (Копия)

Вариация #74414 для ZET 7012-I с открытой мембраной в корпусе BP4-1 (Копия)

Вариация #74415 для ZET 7012-I с открытой мембраной в корпусе BP4-1 (Копия)

Вариация #74416 для ZET 7012-I с открытой мембраной в корпусе BP4-1 (Копия)

Вариация #74387 для ZET 7012-I с открытой мембраной в корпусе BP15C с индикатором (Копия)

Вариация #74388 для ZET 7012-I с открытой мембраной в корпусе BP15C с индикатором (Копия)

Pressure sensor ZET-7X12-VER.3 cover 2 with mebran
Pressure sensor ZET-7X12-VER.3 cover 2 with mebran

ZET 7012-I VER.3 digital gauge pressure

Вариация #74381 для ZET 7012-I с открытой мембраной в корпусе BP15C с индикатором (Копия)

Вариация #74382 для ZET 7012-I с открытой мембраной в корпусе BP15C с индикатором (Копия)

Вариация #74383 для ZET 7012-I с открытой мембраной в корпусе BP15C с индикатором (Копия)

Вариация #74384 для ZET 7012-I с открытой мембраной в корпусе BP15C с индикатором (Копия)

Вариация #74385 для ZET 7012-I с открытой мембраной в корпусе BP15C с индикатором (Копия)

Вариация #74386 для ZET 7012-I с открытой мембраной в корпусе BP15C с индикатором (Копия)

Вариация #74345 для ZET 7012-I с открытой мембраной в корпусе BP4-1 (Копия)

Digital gauge pressure ZET 7012-I VER.1 (open membrane)
Digital gauge pressure ZET 7012-I VER.1 (open membrane)

ZET 7012-I-VER.1 digital gauge pressure (open membrane)

Вариация #74342 для ZET 7012-I с открытой мембраной в корпусе BP4-1 (Копия)

Вариация #74343 для ZET 7012-I с открытой мембраной в корпусе BP4-1 (Копия)

Вариация #74344 для ZET 7012-I с открытой мембраной в корпусе BP4-1 (Копия)

Термометрические датчики

Акселерометры и сейсмические датчики

Инклинометры и датчики перемещения

Тензометрические датчики

Датчики давления

Multichannel strain gauge meter
Multichannel strain gauge meter

Multichannel strain gauge meter

Electrical circuits control device ZET 452

ZET 452 Electrical circuits control device

testing and control and measuring systems
implementation of continuous technological process control
carrying out acceptance testing

Electrical circuits control devices

Digital devices of ZETSENSOR series


Charge amplifiers, coupling amplifiers

Вариация #73631 для ZET 048-E16

Вариация #73630 для ZET 048-E16

Вариация #73629 для ZET 048-E16

Вариация #73628 для ZET 048-E16


The ZET 70XX digital sensor is not discovered by PC

Generating the Modbus address table

Working with ZET 7070 as COM port (Windows)


OPC Protocol

Seismic impact control system
Seismic impact control system

ZET 048 Seismic Impact Control System

ZETLAB object state monitoring system

Working with ZET 7070 as COM port (Linux)

Connecting ZETSENSOR to Network Enabler Administrator

Updating ZETSENSOR firmware



Обновление ПО ZETLAB


Monitoring system for buildings and structures
Monitoring system for buildings and structures

SCADA project «Buildings and constructions structural monitoring system»

SCADA-project, buildings and constructions structural monitoring system

Вариация #72964 для ZET 048-С-VER.3 (Копия)

Вариация #72965 для ZET 048-С-VER.3 (Копия)





About the Company

GETTING STARTED with the “Service operations with ZET 7xxx” software

Configuring operation modes


DATA QUALITY DIAGNOSTICS in a measuring line

TURNKEY SOLUTIONS based on ZETSENSOR digital sensors

DIAGNOSTICS of ZETSENSOR digital sensors


Vibration controller ZET 017-U4 side view-catalog
Vibration controller ZET 017-U4 side view-catalog

ZET 017-U4 Shaker controller

4 measuring channels 
Vibration controller ZET 017-U8 side view-catalog
Vibration controller ZET 017-U8 side view-catalog

ZET 017-U8 Shaker controller

8 measuring channels
ZET 048-E seismic station
ZET 048-E seismic station

ZET 048-E Seismic station

Expedition version
4, 8 or 16 measuring channels
In-place sensors verification
Vibration controller ZET 017-U16 side view-catalog
Vibration controller ZET 017-U16 side view-catalog

ZET 017-U16 Shaker controller

16 measuring channels 

Shaker systems, vibration control systems (VCS)

Vibration controller ZET 017-U24 side view-catalog
Vibration controller ZET 017-U24 side view-catalog

ZET 017-U24 shaker controller

24 measuring channels 

Вариация #70997 для ZET 017-U (Копия)

Вариация #70998 для ZET 017-U (Копия)

Вариация #70994 для ZET 017-U (Копия)

Вариация #70995 для ZET 017-U (Копия)

Shaker controllers

Digital devices of ZETSENSOR series

ZETSENSOR line controllers, regulators and generators are used to detect parameter deviation from a set value and to form a signal in the case if the set value is exceeded.

Вариация #70802 для ZET 7010

Вариация #70801 для ZET 7010




ZETLAB VIBRO Software is supplied together with VCS  ZET 017-U; it is used for vibration and shock pulse impact control

Выставки и конференции

Вариация #68668 для СУВ ZET 017-U4

Вариация #68667 для СУВ ZET 017-U4

Вариация #68659 для ZET 048-E16 сейсмостанция в экспедиционном исполнении (16 каналов)

Вариация #68658 для ZET 048-E16 сейсмостанция в экспедиционном исполнении (16 каналов)

Вариация #68655 для ZET 048-E4 сейсмостанция в экспедиционном исполнении (4 канала)

Вариация #68654 для ZET 048-E4 сейсмостанция в экспедиционном исполнении (4 канала)

ZET 017-U2 FFT spectrum analyzer
ZET 017-U2 FFT spectrum analyzer

ZET 017-U2 FFT spectrum analyzer

Dynamic range 80 dB
Frequency range up to 20 kHz
Integrated generator
FFT Spectrum Analyzer ZET 017-U4 Cover Side View eng
FFT Spectrum Analyzer ZET 017-U4 Cover Side View eng

ZET 017-U4 FFT spectrum analyzer

Dynamic range 80 dB
Frequency range up to 20 kHz
Interface USB, Ethernet, Wi-Fi

Вариация #67243 для ZET 017-T8 тензостанция (8 каналов)

Вариация #67196 для ZET 017-U2 анализатор спектра (2 канала; диапазон частот до 20 кГц)

Вариация #67195 для ZET 017-U2 анализатор спектра (2 канала; диапазон частот до 20 кГц)

Вариация #67191 для ZET 017-U32

Вариация #67190 для ZET 017-U32

Вариация #67185 для ZET 017-U4 анализатор спектра (4 канала; диапазон частот до 20 кГц)

Вариация #66312 для ZET 7010 цифровой тензодатчик (статические измерения, интерфейс RS‑485) (Копия)

Вариация #66313 для ZET 7010 цифровой тензодатчик (статические измерения, интерфейс RS‑485) (Копия)

Assembly of Mobile Measuring System

27.01.2017/by Александр Петров
Digital encoder ZET 7160-E
Digital encoder ZET 7160-E

ZET 7160-E Digital Encoder (CAN 2.0 interface)

Distance and rotation angle measurement
Encoder signal conversion
CAN 2.0 interface
Digital Eddy ZET 7140-S
Digital Eddy ZET 7140-S

ZET 7140-S Digital Eddy Current Displacement Sensor

Measured parameter: displacement
Non-contact measurement
CAN 2.0 data interface

Вариация #63962 для ZET 7140-S вихретоковый датчик перемещения (проксиметр, интерфейс CAN 2.0) (Копия)

Вариация #63963 для ZET 7140-S вихретоковый датчик перемещения (проксиметр, интерфейс CAN 2.0) (Копия)

Вариация #63964 для ZET 7140-S вихретоковый датчик перемещения (проксиметр, интерфейс CAN 2.0) (Копия)

Digital LVDT sensor ZET 7111-L
Digital LVDT sensor ZET 7111-L

ZET 7111-L Digital LVDT sensor (CAN 2.0 interface)

Types of sensors connected: LVDT-sensors
Measured physical value: vibration displacement
CAN 2.0 data interface
Digital cavitation sensor ZET 7140-R
Digital cavitation sensor ZET 7140-R

ZET 7140-R Digital Cavitation Sensor

Data transmission interface CAN 2.0
Input range ±100 mV
AD converter bit depth 14 bit
Digital acoustic emission sensor ZET 7140-E
Digital acoustic emission sensor ZET 7140-E

ZET 7140-E Digital Acoustic Emission Sensors

Socket type for transducer connection SMA
Interface input overvoltage protection (1 A current) 19 V
Interface input surge protection (350 W, 8/20 µsec) 28 V
Digital accelerometer ZET 7151
Digital accelerometer ZET 7151

ZET 7151 Digital Accelerometers (CAN 2.0)

Types of sensors connected: accelerometers with charge output
CAN 2.0 data interface
Explosion-proof product version
Signal amplifier ZET 410
Signal amplifier ZET 410


ZET 410 signal amplifier without galvanic separation, active sensors connection scheme, technical specifications, application sphere
Signal amplifier ZET 412
Signal amplifier ZET 412

ZET 412 signal amplifier

ZET 412 signal amplifier with pseudo-galvanic separation
AC-100 voltage amplifier
AC-100 voltage amplifier

AC-100 voltage amplifier for piezoelectric sensors

The voltage amplifier for connecting piezoelectric acceleration meters, microphones, and other primary voltage output transducers to spectrum analyzers with the ICP standard current output
ZET 420 high-voltage amplifier
ZET 420 high-voltage amplifier

ZET 420 High-Voltage Amplifier

Number of channels 1
Amplitude range ±9 V
Input resistance 100 kOhm
Matching device ZET 430
Matching device ZET 430

ZET 430 Matching device

Power supply 12 V
Output voltage ±12 V
Maximum output current ±100 mA
BC 202 accelerometer
BC 202 accelerometer

ВС 202 Accelerometer

Sensitivity 50 mV/g
Frequency band up to 500 Hz
Relative transverse sensitivity ≤5 %
Amplitude range ±14 g

Вариация #63944 для ВС 202 ёмкостный акселерометр (50 мВ/g; до 500 Гц) (Копия)

Вариация #63945 для ВС 202 ёмкостный акселерометр (50 мВ/g; до 500 Гц) (Копия)

Accelerometer BC 201
Accelerometer BC 201

BC 201 Accelerometer

Sensitivity 500 mV/g
Frequency band up to 500 Hz
Relative transverse sensitivity ≤5 %
Amplitude range ±2.3 g

Вариация #63940 для ВС 201 ёмкостный акселерометр (500 мВ/g; до 500 Гц) (Копия)

Вариация #63941 для ВС 201 ёмкостный акселерометр (500 мВ/g; до 500 Гц) (Копия)

ZET 454 switching unit
ZET 454 switching unit


improves the capabilities of the ZET 452 electric circuits control device;
increases the number of measuring circuits;
makes it possible to build distributed systems for cable networks checking.
ZET 452 MP extension unit
ZET 452 MP extension unit


Digital indicator ZET 7178 - main
Digital indicator ZET 7178 - main

ZET 7178 Digital Indicator

Network power bus control
Measured parameters values indication
CAN 2.0 data interface
Dry Contact Control Unit ZET 7161
Dry Contact Control Unit ZET 7161

ZET 7161 Dry Contact Control Unit

Dry contact: galvanically isolated relay, 0/500 V
Three-channel control module
CAN 2.0 data interface
Control module ZET 7160-S
Control module ZET 7160-S

ZET 7160-S Step Engine Control Unit

Used for step engine control
Types of engines connected: 4-, 3- or 2-phase
CAN 2.0 data interface
Digital port ZET 7160
Digital port ZET 7160

ZET 7160 Digital Port

Logical analyzer
Digital input/output, 4 bits, 0/5 V
CAN 2.0 Interface
Signal generator ZET 7192

ZET 7192 Signal Generator

Analogue two-channels generator
Random profile signal formation
CAN 2.0 data interface
High-frequency generator ZET 7191
High-frequency generator ZET 7191

ZET 7191 High-frequency Generator

High-frequency generator ZET 7191
Data interface CAN 2.0.
HF signals generation (sinusoidal, radioimpulse signal generation)
Synchronous generator ZET 7190

ZET 7190 Synchronous Generator

Analog two-channels digital generator
Random shape signal formation
CAN 2.0 data interface
Digital generator ZET 7160-G
Digital generator ZET 7160-G

ZET 7160-G Digital Generator

Digital generator, 0/5 V, response time 1 ms
Signal duty ratio 0 - 100 %
CAN 2.0 data interface
Velocimeter BC 114
Velocimeter BC 114

Velocimeter BC 114 with current output

Frequency range 10...1000 Hz
Measured RMS range 0,1...30 mm/s
Compact accelerometer AP1019 (AP19)
Compact accelerometer AP1019 (AP19)

Compact accelerometer AP1019 (AP19)

vibration sensor with charge output;

wide operating temperature range;

sensitivity 0.25 pC/g;

frequency range: 0.5 ~ 30,000 Hz.

Вариация #63914 для АР1019 миниатюрный акселерометр с зарядовым выходом (0,25 пКл/g; 0,5 … 30 000 Гц) (Копия)

Вариация #63915 для АР1019 миниатюрный акселерометр с зарядовым выходом (0,25 пКл/g; 0,5 … 30 000 Гц) (Копия)

Accelerometer AP2038
Accelerometer AP2038

Accelerometer AP2038

Triaxial accelerometer

Integrated IEPE-standard electronics

Sensitivity: 10 mV/g;

Frequency range: 0.5 ~ 12,000 Hz

Вариация #63910 для АР2038 трёхкомпонентный акселерометр (ICP) (10 мВ/g; 0,5 … 12 000 Гц) (Копия)

Вариация #63911 для АР2038 трёхкомпонентный акселерометр (ICP) (10 мВ/g; 0,5 … 12 000 Гц) (Копия)

Вариация #63912 для АР2038 трёхкомпонентный акселерометр (ICP) (10 мВ/g; 0,5 … 12 000 Гц) (Копия)

AP2019 Compact accelerometer (shock sensor)
AP2019 Compact accelerometer (shock sensor)

Compact accelerometer (shock sensor) AP2019

A compact accelerometer with integrated electronics;

Shock sensors;

Sensitivity: 0.5 mV/g;

Frequency range: 10 ~ 30,000 Hz.

Вариация #63901 для АР2019 миниатюрный акселерометр со встроенной электроникой (0,5 мВ/g; 10 … 30 000 Гц) (Копия)

Вариация #63902 для АР2019 миниатюрный акселерометр со встроенной электроникой (0,5 мВ/g; 10 … 30 000 Гц) (Копия)

Вариация #63903 для АР2019 миниатюрный акселерометр со встроенной электроникой (0,5 мВ/g; 10 … 30 000 Гц) (Копия)

Вариация #63904 для АР2019 миниатюрный акселерометр со встроенной электроникой (0,5 мВ/g; 10 … 30 000 Гц) (Копия)

Вариация #63905 для АР2019 миниатюрный акселерометр со встроенной электроникой (0,5 мВ/g; 10 … 30 000 Гц) (Копия)

Вариация #63906 для АР2019 миниатюрный акселерометр со встроенной электроникой (0,5 мВ/g; 10 … 30 000 Гц) (Копия)

Вариация #63907 для АР2019 миниатюрный акселерометр со встроенной электроникой (0,5 мВ/g; 10 … 30 000 Гц) (Копия)

Вариация #63908 для АР2019 миниатюрный акселерометр со встроенной электроникой (0,5 мВ/g; 10 … 30 000 Гц) (Копия)

Вариация #63899 для АР1031 миниатюрный акселерометр с зарядовым выходом (1,1 пКл/g; 0,5 … 20 000 Гц) (Копия)

Accelerometer АР1031
Accelerometer АР1031

Compact accelerometer with charge output АР1031

vibration sensor with charge output;

wide operating temperature range;

sensitivity 1.1 pC/g;

frequency range: 0.5 ~ 20,000 Hz.

Вариация #63894 для АР1031 миниатюрный акселерометр с зарядовым выходом (1,1 пКл/g; 0,5 … 20 000 Гц) (Копия)

Вариация #63895 для АР1031 миниатюрный акселерометр с зарядовым выходом (1,1 пКл/g; 0,5 … 20 000 Гц) (Копия)

Вариация #63896 для АР1031 миниатюрный акселерометр с зарядовым выходом (1,1 пКл/g; 0,5 … 20 000 Гц) (Копия)

Вариация #63897 для АР1031 миниатюрный акселерометр с зарядовым выходом (1,1 пКл/g; 0,5 … 20 000 Гц) (Копия)

Вариация #63898 для АР1031 миниатюрный акселерометр с зарядовым выходом (1,1 пКл/g; 0,5 … 20 000 Гц) (Копия)

Вариация #63881 для АР2037 акселерометр общего назначения (ICP) (10…100 мВ/g; 0,5…15000Гц) (Копия)

Вариация #63882 для АР2037 акселерометр общего назначения (ICP) (10…100 мВ/g; 0,5…15000Гц) (Копия)

Вариация #63883 для АР2037 акселерометр общего назначения (ICP) (10…100 мВ/g; 0,5…15000Гц) (Копия)

Вариация #63884 для АР2037 акселерометр общего назначения (ICP) (10…100 мВ/g; 0,5…15000Гц) (Копия)

Вариация #63885 для АР2037 акселерометр общего назначения (ICP) (10…100 мВ/g; 0,5…15000Гц) (Копия)

Вариация #63886 для АР2037 акселерометр общего назначения (ICP) (10…100 мВ/g; 0,5…15000Гц) (Копия)

Вариация #63887 для АР2037 акселерометр общего назначения (ICP) (10…100 мВ/g; 0,5…15000Гц) (Копия)

Вариация #63888 для АР2037 акселерометр общего назначения (ICP) (10…100 мВ/g; 0,5…15000Гц) (Копия)

Вариация #63889 для АР2037 акселерометр общего назначения (ICP) (10…100 мВ/g; 0,5…15000Гц) (Копия)

Вариация #63890 для АР2037 акселерометр общего назначения (ICP) (10…100 мВ/g; 0,5…15000Гц) (Копия)

Вариация #63891 для АР2037 акселерометр общего назначения (ICP) (10…100 мВ/g; 0,5…15000Гц) (Копия)

Вариация #63892 для АР2037 акселерометр общего назначения (ICP) (10…100 мВ/g; 0,5…15000Гц) (Копия)

Accelerometer АР2037
Accelerometer АР2037

General-purpose Acceleration Meter АР2037 (IEPE)

General-purpose acceleration meter with integrated electronics;

Sensitivity: 10 ~ 100 mV/g;

Frequency range: 0.5 ~15,000 Hz.
Charge amplifier ZET 440
Charge amplifier ZET 440

ZET 440 Charge Amplifier

Resistance, min. 0.3 MOhm
Permissible in-phase voltage, max. 260 V
Operating mode setup duration, max. 20 sec
Continuous operation time, max. 8 h

Вариация #63876 для ZET 440 усилитель заряда для подключения пьезодатчиков к анализаторам спектра (Копия)

Вариация #63877 для ZET 440 усилитель заряда для подключения пьезодатчиков к анализаторам спектра (Копия)

Коммерческое кп


Seismic recorder operation principle

This is a Page excerpt. It will be displayed for search results

Digital Multi Channel Seismic Streamer

This is a Page excerpt. It will be displayed for search results



Счет оплачен

Счет выставлен


Счет оплачен

Счет выставлен

Новый заказ

Товар отгружен



Не удался

Вариация #63064 для ZET 048-С-VER.1 Регистратор сейсмический цифровой (0,1…400 Гц)

Вариация #63063 для ZET 048-С-VER.1 Регистратор сейсмический цифровой (0,1…400 Гц)

Вариация #63013 для ZET 017-U8

Вариация #62981 для ВС 110

Вариация #62980 для ВС 110

Цифровые устройства семейства ZETSENSOR

Система мониторинга инженерных конструкций (СМИК) как часть системы мониторинга и управления инженерными системами зданий и сооружений (СМИС)

Measuring module ZET 7180-V
Measuring module ZET 7180-V

ZET 7180-V Measuring Unit

Measurement module ZET 7180-V
Digital output CAN 2.0
Universal sensor with digital output
Measuring module ZET 7180-I
Measuring module ZET 7180-I

ZET 7180-I Measuring Unit

Measurement module ZET 7180-I
CAN 2.0 digital output
Connected sensors type - current output
Accelerometer BC 111
Accelerometer BC 111

BC 111 Acceleration Meter (Top/Side Output) (IEPE)

integrated IEPE,
Sensitivity 10 mV/g,
Frequency range - 1 - 15 000 Hz
Digital pressure meter ZET 7112-A VER.2
Digital pressure meter ZET 7112-A VER.2

ZET 7112-A VER.2 pressure meter

Data refresh rate 1, 5, 25, 100, 200 Hz
Synchronization accuracy ±1 µsec
Data interface CAN 2.0
Digital gauge pressure ZET 7112-I VER.2
Digital gauge pressure ZET 7112-I VER.2

ZET 7112-I VER.2 digital gauge pressure

Data refresh rate 1, 5, 25, 100, 200 Hz
Data transmission interface CAN 2.0
Transmission rate 100, 300, 1000 kbps
ZET 7111 Digital strain gauge sensors
ZET 7111 Digital strain gauge sensors

ZET 7111 Digital Strain Gauge

Digital strain transducer  ZET 7111
Digital output CAN 2.0.
Dynamic measurements.
Digital temperature sensor ZET 7121
Digital temperature sensor ZET 7121

ZET 7121 Digital Temperature Sensor

digital output CAN 2.0
primary transducer type: resistance thermometers
CAN 2.0 interface
Digital temperature sensor ZET 7120
Digital temperature sensor ZET 7120

ZET 7120 Digital Temperature Sensor

digital output CAN 2.0
primary transducer type: thermocouple
CAN 2.0 inteface, temperature detector
Digital strain gauge sensor ZET 7110
Digital strain gauge sensor ZET 7110

ZET 7110 Digital Strain Gauge Sensor

Data interface CAN 2.0
Static measurements
Explosion-proof version
Digital meteorological sensor ZET 7023
Digital meteorological sensor ZET 7023

ZET 7023 Digital Meteorological Sensor

RS-485 interface
weather sensor for relative humidty
atmospheric pressure and temperature measuring
Hydrophone BC 311 main cover
Hydrophone BC 311 main cover

BC 311 underwater/threaded hydrophone

Measurements operation medium water, air, oil and oil products, natural gas
Operation medium temperature 0…+60 °C
Environment air temperature −60…+80 °C
ZET 7172 - main
ZET 7172 - main

Telemetering system ZET 7172

CAN 2.0 data interface
Speed of data exchange, kbps 100, 300, 1000
Offline recorder ZET-7173-main
Offline recorder ZET-7173-main

ZET 7173 offline recorder (CAN 2.0 interface)

Functionality: off-line recorder
Maximal number of addresses connected at a time (node) 32
Maximal total frequency of data recording 9,600 Hz
ZET 7175 - main
ZET 7175 - main

ZET 7175 GPS/GLONASS synchronization module

Functionality Sync Wizard
Timing accuracy 2 μs
ZET 7177 - main
ZET 7177 - main

ZET 7177 interface converter (CAN 2.0 → GSM)

Data transmission standard 2G, 3G
SIM-card slot Micro-SIM
Data interface CAN 2.0
Interface converter ZET 7176
Interface converter ZET 7176

ZET 7176 Interface converter (CAN 2.0 ↔ Ethernet/Wi-Fi)

Interface converter Ethernet ↔ CAN 2.0
PC connection interface Ethernet (100 Mbps)
ZETSENSOR modules connection interface CAN 2.0
Interface converter ZET 7174
Interface converter ZET 7174

ZET 7174 interface converter

Maximal sum frequency of data recording 12,000 Hz
Digital measuring module connection interface CAN 2.0
Data exchange rate 100, 300, 1,000 Kbps
Digital inclinometer ZET 7154
Digital inclinometer ZET 7154

ZET 7054 digital inclinometer

Rate of data update 1 Hz
Transducer type: integrated sensing element
Data interface RS-485
Digital accelerometer ZET 7152-N
Digital accelerometer ZET 7152-N

Digital accelerometer ZET 7152-N-VER.1

Digital small strain gauge sensor ZET 7010-DS
Digital small strain gauge sensor ZET 7010-DS

ZET 7010 DS digital strain-gauge transducer

Rate of data update 1 Hz
Parity check 0 — no check, 1 — check (odd parity, ODD)
Exchange protocol Modbus RTU
Hydrophone BC 312 by ZETLAB Company - main
Hydrophone BC 312 by ZETLAB Company - main

BC 312

Hydrophone BC 312 underwater/threaded with integrated IEPE.

Hydrophone BC 313 - main cover
Hydrophone BC 313 - main cover

BC 313 underwater/threaded hydrophone

Frequency range 20…20 000 Hz.

Sensitivity 500 µV/Pa.

BC 314-M threaded hydrophone

Measured parameters: instantaneous, RMS, peak Pa, kPa
Measuring range 100 kPa
Self-noise*, RMS 0.1 Pa



SCADA system allows to create flexible and scalable applications for measurements, control, and testing with minimum time and material expenses

Strain Gauge Modules Design and Connection Options

Reference Information

Practical Application Of Strain Gauge Modules

Practical application of strain gauge sensors

Connecting And Establishing Bridge Circuits

Strain Gauge Measurements


Strain measurement systems ZETLAB
Strain measurement systems ZETLAB

Strain measurement systems

Seismic Recording Systems

Seismic recording stations
Seismic recording stations

ZETLAB Seismic Recording Systems


FFT Spectrum Analyzers

Frequency meter
Frequency meter

Frequency Meter

Signal Filtration ZETLAB
Signal Filtration ZETLAB

Signal Filtration




FFT Analysis



Strain gauge meter main image
Strain gauge meter main image

Strain Gauge Meter




Super-resolution spectrum
Super-resolution spectrum

Super-Resolution Spectrum

Synchronous accumulation - main cover
Synchronous accumulation - main cover

Synchronous Accumulation (Order Analysis)

AC selective voltmeter
AC selective voltmeter

AC Selective Voltmeter

PID Controller
PID Controller

Controller, PID Controller

Trend Viewer
Trend Viewer

Trend Viewer

Data Processing and Result View
Data Processing and Result View

Data Processing and Result View

Прослушивание каналов АЦП
Прослушивание каналов АЦП

ADC Channel Listening



Modal analysis program - main cover
Modal analysis program - main cover

Modal Analysis

Signals recording - program interface - main image
Signals recording - program interface - main image

Signal Recording

Signal Reproduction
Signal Reproduction

Signal Reproduction



Signal Receiver
Signal Receiver

Signal Receiver (Data Client)

ETHERNET Connection
ETHERNET Connection

ETHERNET Connection

Signal transmitter, data server
Signal transmitter, data server

Signal Transmitter (Data Server)

Multichannel Recorder
Multichannel Recorder

Multichannel Recorder

Multichannel oscilloscope
Multichannel oscilloscope

Multichannel Oscilloscope

power meter
power meter

Power Meter

Error Log
Error Log

Error Log

CPB analysis
CPB analysis

CPB Analysis

Device Manager
Device Manager

Device Manager

Detector STA LTA - main cover
Detector STA LTA - main cover

STA/LTA Detector

Histogram - page cover
Histogram - page cover


DC Voltmeter
DC Voltmeter

DC Voltmeter

AC Voltmeter
AC Voltmeter

AC Voltmeter

Vibration meter
Vibration meter

Vibration Meter

Cross narrow-band spectrum - Main
Cross narrow-band spectrum - Main

Cross-Spectrum FFT Analysis

Cross-correlation analysis - program interface - cover 1
Cross-correlation analysis - program interface - cover 1

Cross-Correlation Analysis



Cross-Spectrum CPB Analysis


Wavelet analysis

Non-linear distortions analysis - main cover
Non-linear distortions analysis - main cover

Harmonic Distortion Analysis

50 Hz Adaptive Filter
50 Hz Adaptive Filter

50 Hz Adaptive Filter


Server Time

XY Plotter
XY Plotter

XY Plotter

XYZ Oscillograph
XYZ Oscillograph

XYZ Oscillograph

zetlab analiz Spectrum Analyzer
zetlab analiz Spectrum Analyzer


ZETLAB ANALIZ is supplied together with spectrum analyzers ZET 017-U8, ZET 017-U4, ZET 017-U2, A19-U2

FFT spectrum analyzer



ZET 017-T8

Measurement module for strain gauges 8 channels


BC 1313 triaxial seismograph cover
BC 1313 triaxial seismograph cover

BC 1313 triaxial seismograph

Sensitivity 0.5 V/(m×s−2)
Frequency band 0.3…400 Hz
Seismic Station ZET 048-I16 cover
Seismic Station ZET 048-I16 cover

Seismic recorder ZET 048-I

seismic recorder;
4, 8 or 16 measuring channels;
industrial product version.
Seismometer 4211 cover
Seismometer 4211 cover

Seismometer 4211

for application in areas with constant background noise above NLNM level;
0,033...50 Hz;
2 000V/(m/s)

Design and Mounting Rules for the Measuring Networks on the Base of ZETSENSOR Measuring Networks

Intelligent Sensors and Controllers, ZETSENSOR series

Connecting Zetsensor To Third-Party RS-485 Converters

Calibration and Application of Accelerometers

General Information on Accelerometers

Equipment Diagnostics with the Use of FFT Spectrum Analyzers

Spectrum Analyzers: Design Variants and Connection Options

Features Of Applying Vector Vibration Accelerometers

Mounting Techniques of Accelerometers

Turnkey Solutions on the Base of FFT Spectrum Analyzers

FFT Spectrum Analyzer-aided Verification and Calibration

Vibration Analysis and Acoustics


Вариация #47551 для ZET 017-T8 тензостанция (8 каналов)

Вариация #47543 для ZET 017-U8

Вариация #47540 для ZET 017-U4 анализатор спектра (4 канала; диапазон частот до 20 кГц)


Сервис и обучение

Вариация #44279 для ZET 7010

Вариация #44277 для ZET 7010



Автоматизированные системы контроля, мониторинга и диагностики @de

Автоматизированные измерительные системы @de

Автоматизированные системы управления @de

Программное обеспечение @de

Программное обеспечение ZETLAB @de

Функции ZETLAB @de


SCADA система ZETVIEW @de

Микрофоны @de

Датчики перемещения, оборотов, энкодеры @de

Преобразователи акустической эмиссии @de

Датчики кавитации @de

Тензодатчики @de

Датчики температуры @de

Готовые системы @de

Виброиспытательные системы @de

Автоматизированные стенды для поверок и аттестаций @de

Digital devices

Spectrum analyzers

Strain-gauge station

Seismic stations

Digital strain gauge sensors

Los analizadores de espectro

Estación de prueba cepa


Los sensores digitales y controladores

Модули АЦП ЦАП @de

Цифровые датчики и контроллеры @de

Измерительные модули и цифровые датчики @de

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Устройства контроля электрических цепей



Датчики пульсации давления и кавитации

Центральный офис

Системы управления виброиспытаниями (СУВ) и вибростенды

Автоматизированные стенды

Система контроля сейсмических воздействий (СКСВ)

Стенды для поверок и аттестаций

Модули аналого-цифрового преобразования (АЦП ЦАП)

Программное обеспечение ZETLAB

Функции ZETLAB





Аналоговые датчики



Датчики перемещения, оборотов, энкодеры


Преобразователи акустической эмиссии

Усилители сигналов и согласующие устройства

Преобразователи интерфейсов

Контроллеры и генераторы

Вариация #23198 для ВС 110

Вариация #23197 для ВС 110

FFT Spectrum Analyzer ZET 017-U8 Cover Side View eng
FFT Spectrum Analyzer ZET 017-U8 Cover Side View eng

ZET 017-U8 FFT spectrum analyzer

Measuring the signal levels in octave bands
Vibration diagnostics equipment
Hydroacoustic measurements
zetlab analiz software
zetlab analiz software


Программное обеспечение ZETLAB ANALIZ входит в комплект поставки анализаторов спектра ZET 017-U8, ZET 017-U4, ZET 017-U2, A19-U2.
zetlab tenzo
zetlab tenzo


Software  ZETLAB TENZO is included into delivery scope of  Strain Measurement Acquisition Module ZET 017-T8
ZET 7076 - main
ZET 7076 - main

ZET 7076 Interface converter

Interface converter Ethernet/Wi-Fi ↔ RS-485
PC connection interface Ethernet 100 Mbps
ZETSENSOR modules connection interface RS-485
ZET 7070 - interface converter - main
ZET 7070 - interface converter - main

ZET 7070 Interface Converter

USB↔RS-485 interface conversion
Digital sensors and controllers power supply
Data exchange with PC
Digital generator ZET 7060-G
Digital generator ZET 7060-G

ZET 7060 Digital port

Number of channels (set as input/output) 4
Data frequency 1, 10, 50, 100, 200 Hz
Data interface RS-485
Control module ZET 7060-S
Control module ZET 7060-S

ZET 7060-S Stepper motor control module

Used for stepper motor control
Types of compatible stepper motors: 4-, 3- or 2-phase
RS-485 data interface
Digital strain gauge ZET 7010
Digital strain gauge ZET 7010

ZET 7010 Strain gauge sensor

Measured value - deformation, strain, torque, power
Sensitivity threshold
Absolute measuring tolerance
Digital generator ZET 7060-G
Digital generator ZET 7060-G

ZET 7060-G Digital Generator

Signal level 5 V
Number of outputs 2
Refresh rate 1 Hz
Digital gauge pressure ZET 7012-I VER.2
Digital gauge pressure ZET 7012-I VER.2

ZET 7012-A VER.2 digital pressure meter

Data rate 4800, 9600, 14400, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200 bit/s
Parity control 0 - no control; 1 - control (oddity, ODD)
Data communication protocol Modbus RTU
Digital gauge pressure ZET 7012-I VER.2
Digital gauge pressure ZET 7012-I VER.2

ZET 7012-I VER.2 digital gauge pressure

Data interface RS-485
Data rate 4800, 9600, 14400, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200 bit/s
Data communication protocol Modbus RTU
Digital temperature sensor ZET 7020
Digital temperature sensor ZET 7020

ZET 7020 Temperature Sensor

Data interface RS-485
Data rate 4800, 9600, 14400, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200 bit/s
Data communication protocol
Synchronous generator ZET 7090
Synchronous generator ZET 7090

ZET 7090 Analog synchronous generator

Analog two-channel synchronous generator
Random shape signals forming
RS-485 data transfer interface
Digital temperature sensor ZET 7021
Digital temperature sensor ZET 7021

ZET 7021 Digital Temperature Sensor

Data interface RS-485
Parity control 0 - no control, 1 - control (oddity, ODD)
Data communication protocol Modbus RTU
Digital Encoder ZET 7060-E cover max
Digital Encoder ZET 7060-E cover max

ZET 7060-E Digital Encoder

Sensor maximum current 150 mА
Refresh rate 1, 10, 50, 100, 200 Hz
Data interface RS-485
Universal measurement module ZET 7080-V
Universal measurement module ZET 7080-V

ZET 7080-I Universal measurement module

Data interface RS-485
Parity control 0 - no control, 1 - control (oddity, ODD)
Data communucation protocol Modbus RTU
Universal measurement module ZET 7080-V
Universal measurement module ZET 7080-V

ZET 7080-V Universal measurement module

Data interface RS-485
Parity control 0 - no control, 1 - control (oddity, ODD)
Data communucation protocol Modbus RTU




Анализаторы спектра



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ZET 017-U16

FFT Spectrum analyzer; 16 measurement channels; frequency range up to 20 kHz

Options for ZET 452

14.03.2013/by Team

Amplifier for charge sensors

14.01.2013/by Team

Бугринский мост

г. Новосибирск

New features of SCADA system ZETView

02.06.2011/by Team

Manufacture of devices of ZETSensor series

01.06.2011/by Team

New development of ZETKey

14.02.2011/by Team

Software Update 2010

13.11.2010/by Team

Demo version of ZETLab software

13.03.2010/by Team

Noise and vibration meter BC 110

13.07.2009/by Team

New ZET 230 ADC module

13.11.2007/by Team

New program for processing measurement signals

13.10.2007/by Team

TDA amplifier was developed

13.11.2006/by Team

Upgrading the spectrum analyzer A17-U8

13.10.2006/by Team

Digital analyzer-analyzer ZET 110

13.06.2006/by Team

New section on the site

13.08.2005/by Team

Improvement of the digital signal processing module

12.10.2004/by Team

Update of all software

12.08.2004/by Team

Participation in the annual SofTool 2002 exhibition

12.09.2002/by Team

Tests of the spectrum analyzer A17

12.06.2002/by Team


12.08.2001/by Team

New from ZETLAB

12.08.2000/by Team

Developed boards ADC 1610

12.08.1999/by Team

The PCI-DMA controller was developed

12.08.1998/by Team

New modular design

12.08.1997/by Team

The first modules on signal processors

12.08.1996/by Team

New Developments 1995

12.08.1995/by Team

Controller Correction

12.08.1994/by Team

New developments of 1993

12.08.1993/by Team

First developments

CJSC "Electronic technologies and metrological systems ZET" was created on the basis of the SKB of the State Enterprise "All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Physicotechnical and Radio-Technical Measurements" (VNIIFTRI).
12.08.1992/by Team

Basic delivery scope

of ZET 220 ADC DAC modules

Basic configuration of ADC DAC modules

ZET 220 ADC DAC module delivery scope includes:

  • ZET 220 ADC DAC module;
  • HighSpeed USB 2.0 cable;
  • terminal board;
  • DB-9 and DB-25  (mating connection);
  • CD with drivers and  ZETLAB BASE software;
  • set of operational documentation;
  • galvanic separation unit of analog inputs/ outputs from PC casing (400 V).

Additionl options

for ZET 220 ADC DAC modules

Signal amplifier ZET 410
ZET 410
Signal amplifier without galvanic separation

Signal amplifier with pseudo galvanic
ZET 412
Signal amplifier with galvanic separation

Battery pack
Batteries module
Set of 5 V batteries (2700 mAh – 4 pcs.)

Autonomous recorder and flash drive
 Off-line recorder
Digital off-line recorder

Multichannel distributed data collection system
Distributed data acquisition system

Recording and playback facilities
Data recording and representation
Software programs for data recording and representation

scada system ZETLAB

For technological processes automated control

Software Developer Tools
Development environment for virtual tools creation

Power Supply
Power supply module 220 V→ 5 V
For modules power supply in off-line mode of operation

Power over Interface
Ethernet interface 10/100
Software for PC Ethernet connection

Power supply via Ethernet
Power supply via Ethernet
Power supply via Ethernet at the distance up to 100 m

WI-FI interface
WI-FI interface
For WiFi data transfer

Measuring instruments that can be connected to ZET 220 ADC DAC module

BC 201
Capacitance accelerometer

BC 202
Capacitance accelerometer

BC 501

RPM sensor
BC 401
RPM sensor

ZET 220 ADC DAC modules:

quick start

Order form - If you want to place an order or to make a request regarding technical specifications of particular product, fill out the form below:

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Please note that the personal data provided by you is used exclusively for the purposes of fulfilling our contractual obligations, including, but not limited to: issuing invoices, delivery documents, documentation relating to customs clearance process, etc. We do not provide your personal data to any third party except for the purposes relating to our direct contractual obligations. Upon completion of order processing and expiry of the warranty period for the Products provided by our Company, we do not store or process any of your personal data. Please note, that our Company’s Confidential policy does not imply any advertising or marketing activities with the use of your personal data (including your Company name, address, your E-mail, phone number and other information provided by you with a view to placing an Order and organization of the Delivery).