Connecting Primary Converters

What is required for connecting primary converters to digital modules?

Some ZETSENSOR digital modules require connection of external primary converters (sensors).

The primary converters are powered directly via cable from a digital module, but remember that in exceptional cases the power of primary converters may require a separate cable (typically for those primary converters with specialized power sources).

The laboratory versions of digital modules are supplied with terminals* for connecting cables coming from primary converters.

The industrial versions of digital modules are supplied with FQ14-7ZX jacks; therefore to connect primary converters to them, the cables coming from primary converters must be equipped with FQ14-7TJ jacks.

* except for laboratory versions of digital modules ZET 7051, ZET 7140, ZET 7141, ZET 7151, and ZET 7152, that have integrated high frequency jacks.