Shaker controller (VCS) ZET 017-U

Gunfire vibration test method – gunfire shock

For testing of the specimen resistance to the random vibration impact in the gunfire impact mode, there is used the program “Vibration shock“, which is included into the scope of ZETLAB VIBRO software package, supplied with shaker systems of ZET-o17-U series.

For the gunfire impact testing mode, it is necessary to set acceleration power spectral density and frequency values.

Upon activation of the gunfire impact testing mode, the program automatically enables equalization mode. The signal generator will switch over to the gunfire mode and smoothly reach the required integral level of the set equalization graph in compliance with the set time intervals.

In the gunfire impact mode, the signal, which is produced in accordance with the reference file, is applied as a sequence of pulses from the output channel of the FFT Spectrum analyzer to the shaker system in accordance with the set time intervals. The figure below shows the oscilloscope graph of the signal generated in the gunfire impact mode.

Shaker controller ZET 017-U - Gunfire shock imitation