Evaluation of the tolerance limit for maintenance of the acceleration and/ or displacement level at the control point

Evaluation of the tolerance limit for maintenance of the acceleration and/ or displacement level at the control point is necessary for the test systems equipped with instruments for automated test mode control.

In the case, if you have a shaker controller of ZET-017-U series, you have an automated test mode control system as well!

In the scope of ZETLAB VIBRO software package, there is a program “FB generator (Sinusoidal vibration)”.

Evaluation of the tolerance limit for maintenance of the acceleration and - or displacement level at the control point - Figure 1

Figure 1

Evaluation of the tolerance limit for maintenance of the acceleration and - or displacement level at the control point - Figure 2

Figure 2

For the purpose of “Feedback FR” parameter measurements, it is necessary to have at least two transducers: the reference transducer and the controlled transducer. As the test profile is passed, open the test report, select the measuring channel (there is no need to select the reference channel too), mark the checkbox “Counting relative to the control channel”. Figure 2 shows a result of program operation in the course of FR parameter measurements of a real vibration transducer. The graph clearly shows the fluctuations of vibration acceleration value depending on the frequency level. As a rule, similar positive and negative peak values can be observed in close vicinity to the resonance frequencies of the vibration exciter.

Tolerance limit for maintenance of the acceleration and/ or displacement level is calculated by the formula:

where af— is the current value of acceleration or displacement; a— the set value of acceleration or displacement.