Zetsensor Modules Power Supply

What power supply is required for ZETSENSOR modules? Are there any turn-key solutions for that?

Power supply of ZETSENSOR modules must be from 9 to 24 V,  and the required power value is calculated by formula:


where n –is number of interface modules connected to power supply unit, Рi — the power of i-th module

Power consumption of all types of ZETSENSOR modules is 1 W, and the formula above changes as follows: Р=1,5*n

Example: for power supply of 40 units 60 W is required.

In the case if there are a lot of consuming devices in the measuring line or the measuring line is long, one should reduce the impedance of power supply and grounding wires. There are two ways to do that:

  • Use vacant wire strands.

Example: the cable has 4 twisted pairs – in this case one twisted pair can be used as a differential pair, one for power supply, and the remaining two – for GND;

  • Otherwise one can use a cable with thicker wire strands.