What is the difference between ZET 017-U4 SHAKER CONTROLLER and ZET 024?

We have discontinued the ZET 017-U4 shaker controller, so the price on these is higher due to non-serial production. Vibration testing control system ZET 024 is a new enhanced controller version.

Do you need any infrastructure for the controller?

We need in computer with Windows 10 (may be 8). Likely with 2 screens. More information is in our document. Operational conditions of VCS is document «Operator’s manual» on page 5, item 1.2, download by the link: https://file.zetlab.com/Document/01_АНАЛИЗАТОРЫ/06_СУВ/EN_РО_СУВ_02Х.pdf.

What are the system requirements?

To work with the Vibration controller (VCS) ZET 024 in use need a powerful PC. The requirements you will find to our website.

Is there a calibration program? Is it possible to calibrate the product on site?

Yes, calibration is possible using metrological self-test function the shaker controller ZET 02X. Metrological self-test this is an automatic check of the metrological serviceability of the controller during its operation. Virtual measure functions in software ZETLAB VIBRO provide performance of control and testing operations under conditions of factory run/

Any problems with the adaptation with these two products?

We have dictionary file with all word and phrases in Russian, English and Spanish. We can add any language to our dictionary file. With the help of professional translator.

If we want to increase the channel, can we increase it later?

The modular principle of the system structure allows to increase the number of measuring channels from 4 up to 128.

Can the controller stop and start with the signal given from outside?

This option is available. It is an external button operating via a digital interface with the VCS controller

Do you automatically notify the user of your updates? Do we have to follow it manually?

The ZETLAB software automatically displays a dialog box if there is an updated version of the software. All necessary files is also available for downloading at our ftp-server. ZETLAB software is regularly updated and updated. Release ZETLAB software is released every six months and every month we release Beta versions with new modifications and improvements.

Do you reference MIL-STD-810(G,H,current revision) when updating software?

ZETLAB VIBRO software allows you to generate profiles according to the requirements of the standard MIL-STD-810 H and provides the user with a wide range of test modes:
Gunfire impact – for materiel testing (in compliance with MIL-STD-810 (Test Method 519.6));
SRS – shock response spectrum (in compliance with MIL-STD-810-F (Test Method 516.5-8));
FDR – field data replication (in compliance with MIL-STD-810-F);
FDS – fatigue damage spectrum (in compliance with MIL-STD-810-G);
Kurtosion – kurtosis control.

Mixed-mode testing:
SoR – sine-on-random (in compliance with MIL-STD-810-F (Test Method 519.5), RTCA DO-160 (Environmental Conditions and Test Procedures for Airborne Equipment));
RoR – random-on-random (in compliance with MIL-STD-810-F (Test Method 519.5), RTCA DO-160);
SoS – sine-on-sine (in compliance with MIL-STD-810-F (Test Method 519.5), RTCA DO-160);
SoRoR – sine-on-random-on-random (in compliance with MIL-STD-810-F (Test Method 519.5), RTCA DO-160).

Can the graphs be seen as displacement-velocity-acceleration and frequency?

Yes, the software uses acceleration, velocity and displacement during the test, which it receives through integrating and differentiating filters. These signals are also available for analysis.

Can an automatic report be output as a Word file?

Yes, the VCS software has the option to save reports. To save, you need a pre-prepared report template with keywords. At the end of the tests and when you click the “Report” menu item, the program generates a document with test data.

Can the results be exported to excel?

All the resulting data in the form of graphs are saved to the hard disk of the computer in the .dtx format and are available for conversion to EXCEL via the ZETLAB software.

Does it have a Sigma clipping feature?

Yes, the VCS software for random vibration tests has the option to limit the signal peak-factor and control kurtosis.

If it goes out of range at certain frequencies, can it notch?

Notch Limit option is included in the sine program.

If there is a control problem due to resonance, does the controller have a parameter that can be changed to deal with it?

When setting up a test profile, there are several test parameters that are responsible for the working on resonances. These are such parameters as, for example, limiting the dynamic range, limiting the output voltage of the controller, smoothing the control characteristics, etc.

Can a random profile be imported from excel?

This option is currently not implemented.

Can test profiles be saved and recalled later?

Yes, in any program you can save profiles and use them if necessary. There is also a database of standard profiles taken from regulatory documents.

Shaker controller