Frequency weighting
The program signals filtration includes the following filters with frequency weighting functions:
Wb, Wc, Wd, We, Wf, Wh, Wj, Wk, Wm, Fh, Fk, Fm, A, B, C, D.
Frequency weighting W
The program Signals filtration has filters with frequency weighting options Wb, Wc, Wd, We, Wf, Wh, Wj, Wk, Wm meeting the requirements of the applicable international standards including IEC 61672-1: 2002 (Electroacoustics – Sound level measurements – Part 1: Specifications).
Frequency weighting function | 0 APPLICATION 0 |
Nominal frequency range, Hz | Reference frequency, rad/s (Hz) | Value of frequency weighting function at the reference frequency |
Wh | Frequency weighting function Wh for measurement of local vibration in all directions (in compliance with ISO 5349-1) | 8…1000 | 500 (79,58) |
0,2020 |
Wb | Frequency weighting function Wb for measurement of general vibration in vertical direction (axis z), for vibration impact in seated, standing, and recumbent position (in compliance with ISO 2631-4) | 0,5…80 | 100 (15,915) |
0,8126 |
Wc | Frequency weighting function Wc for measurement of general vibration in horizontal direction (axis х), for vibration impact in seated position, seat surface (in compliance with ISO 2631-1) | 0,5…80 | 100 (15,915) |
0,5145 |
Wd | Frequency weighting function Wd for measurement of general vibration in horizontal position (axis х or у), for vibration impact in seated, standing or recumbent position (in compliance with ISO 2631-1) | 0,5…80 | 100 (15,915) |
0,1261 |
We | Frequency weighting function We for measurement of common angular vibration in all directions, for vibration impact in standing position (in compliance with ISO 2631-1) | 0,5…80 | 100 (15,915) |
0,06287 |
Wj | Frequency weighting function Wj for measurement of vibration in vertical direction (axis х), vertical recumbent (head) (in compliance with ISO 2631-1) | 0,5…80 | 100 (15,915) |
1,019 |
Wk | Frequency weighting function Wk for measurement of common vibration in vertical direction (axis z), for vibration impact in seated, standing and recumbent position (in compliance with ISO 2631-1) | 0,5…80 | 100 (15,915) |
0,7718 |
Wm | Frequency weighting function Wm for measurement of common vibration inside of buildings in all directions (in compliance with ISO 2631-2) | 1…80 | 100 (15,915) |
0,3362 |
Wf | Frequency weighting function Wf for measurement of general low-frequency vibration in vertical direction (axis z), for vibration impact in seated or recumbent position (in compliance with ISO 2631-1) | 0,1…0,5 | 2,5 (0,3979) |
0,3888 |
Frequency weighting function Wm
Frequency weighting function Wh
Frequency weighting function Wd
Frequency weighting function Wk
Frequency weighting function Wc
Frequency weighting function Wj
Frequency weighting function We
Frequency weighting function Wb
Linear filters
The program Signal filtration includes the following linear filters with frequency weighting options:
- Fh — linear band-pass filter 6,8…1286 Hz,
- Fk — linear band-pass filter 0,4…100 Hz,
- Fm — linear band-pass filter 0,8…100 Hz
The results of filters implementation (signal spectra processed by frequency weighting filters Fh, Fk, Fm) are shown below:

Compensating filters А, В, С and D
The filters with frequency weighting functions A, B, C, and D are used for noise level measurements and meet the requirements of the applicable standards. Implementation of the filters allows to use FFT Spectrum analyzers ZET 017-U2, ZET 017-U8 and A19-U2 as high-precision noise level meters.
The figures below show signals spectra that have been processed by frequency weighting functions A, B, C and D, implemented in the program Signals filtration.

In all the above examples the white noise has been used as a source signal.
White noise spectrum is shown in the figure below.