ADC Channel Listening
via a sound card
The program is used for listening to signals coming to the input channels of ADC modules and FFT Spectrum Analyzers.
When working with measurement objects in real conditions or through signal reproduction from the recorded files, the user can listen to the data coming to the input channels of ADC modules and FFT Spectrum Analyzers via the PC sound card, which can be very useful during signal analysis in an acoustic range, since spectral analysis cannot always provide proper information about the analyzed values. For instance, distortion due to a short-term interference will be well audible for a human, while 1/3-octave analysis will not introduce any noticeable changes in the signal spectrum. This is due to the fact that the human ear, as compared to the analyzing instruments, can identify parasite sound sources much more distinctly.
For further analysis of acoustic information, it is possible to listen to the recorded signal time realizations in the analogue tape recorder mode.

Channel Listening is a part of the following software:
- ZETLAB BASE – ADC/DAC module software;
- ZETLAB ANALIZ – FFT Spectrum Analyzers software;
- ZETLAB VIBRO – Shaker control systems software;
- ZETLAB TENZO – Strain-gauge station software;
- ZETLAB SEISMO – Seismic station software;
- ZETLAB NOISE – vibration meter-noise meter software;
- ZETLAB SENSOR – digital ZETSENSOR sensor software.
Channel Listening is included in the Service software group.