Temperature controllers

Temperature controllers enable automated control and maintenance of optimal air temperature level, thus saving up to 20% of heat energy. Temperature controller’s automated control instrument is represented by thermostatical element.

Temperature controllers measure deviation of the controlled parameter from the set value (set-point) and produce a control signal. The control signal consists of three components – the first one is proportional to the deviation, the second one is proportinal to the deviation integral, and the third one – to the deviation’s derivative (i.e., to the controlled value’s derivative).

In the case of temperature sensors use, the controlled parameter’s value is never stable. There is a so called statical error which is equal to the controlled value deviation, which is formed by means of the control signal in order to stabilize the controlled value at the set-point. For instance, temperature controller’s output value (heat power) gradually declines as the temperature reaches the set-point value – thus, the system stabilizes by means of heat dissipation compensation by power level. The temperature can not achieve the set-point level, since in this case the heat power will be equal to zero and the heater will start cooling down.