Test specimen parameters
a program from the scope of ZETLAB VIBRO software suite

The update of the software suite ZETLAB VIBRO includes a new user-friendly interface as well as a wide range of new functions, allowing the user to configure parameters of the vibration test system with the maximal possible prevention of errors occurrence.
The “Test specimen parameters” program is intended for control of the test specimen based on its operational and test load limits available in the database of ZETLAB VIBRO program.
The program contains information of the mounting fixture (if it is used), information about the specialists conducting vibrational testing, and the dates of tests performance.
The “Test specimen parameters” program can be started from the VCS control panel. The interface of the main program window is shown in the figure.
The “Test specimen parameters” program is used:
- Upon installation of ZETLAB Software or after software update;
- In the case, if the test specimen is changed;
- When a new mounting fixture is used for the vibration testing.
Upon completion of tests performance, the program automatically produces a test report.
If the test specimen does not have any limits in terms of frequency range and vibration level, then it is recommended to set the parameters “Frequency” and “Admissible vibrational acceleration” in accordance with the parameters of the shaker system used.
Supported hardware
The “Test specimen parameters” program is included into the scope of ZETLAB VIBRO Software suite (this software is supplied together with the shaker controllers).