

The program Broadband random vibration is intended for a number of combined tests, including the so-called Random-on-Random (also referred to as RoR).

This test type enables accurate imitation of machinery operation (e.g., rotary machinery). Vibrational environments of this machinery type are characterized by pseudo-periodical oscillations.

In order to enable the combination of the random noises (i.e., combined testing), enter the “Noise” tab.

It is possible to enable/ disable the RoR option by means of the function “Use the narrowband noise for testing“. Upon activation of the function, it becomes possible to edit the strings of the “Narrowband noise, combined testing” tab.

In order to add new strings to the tab, use the “Add” key (it is possible to add as many keys, as it is required in compliance with the relevant technical documentation). It is possible to set the following parameters in the new string:

start and end frequencies of the testing interval,

value of acceleration power spectral density,

vibration acceleration value, 

admissible error values.

To delete a string, select it and use the “Delete” key.

Random-on-Random - RoR - configuration of the program parameters to be used for testing of the specimen